The European Commission launched a second midterm round for AggregateEU, allowing gas suppliers to bid for EU and Energy Community demand from July 2025 to October 2030. Buyers submit demand March 12-17, vendors express interest March 18-21, and matchmaking results are released March 26 for bilateral contract negotiations.The EU’s midterm gas matching round supports its push to phase out Russian supplies, the Commission stated.
The first round saw 34 bcm of demand from 19 firms, with offers nearly tripling that. Originally for winter 2023-24, AggregateEU is now permanent under Regulation (EU) 2024/1789.In past matching rounds, buyers and sellers could select a preferred EU terminal for LNG delivery. To align with LNG trade practices and attract more suppliers, they can now also opt for free-on-board delivery.
Midterm rounds offer six-month contracts within buyer-seller partnerships lasting up to five years.“With the energy crisis ongoing, AggregateEU introduced midterm tenders in early 2024 to meet growing demand for stability and predictability in gas trade,” the Directorate stated on February 1, 2024.Midterm tenders allow buyers to request seasonal six-month gas supplies from April 2024 to October 2029, supporting long-term trading partnerships of up to five years.“These tenders enhance supply security and boost European industry competitiveness,” the EU stated.
NBP gas refers to supplies from EU national transmission systems.AggregateEU, established under Council Regulation 2022/2576, is part of the EU Energy Platform, launched under REPowerEU to reduce reliance on Russian energy after its Ukraine invasion.